Question: What is the Romeo and Juliet law in Arkansas?

Arkansas has a close-in-age exemption. A close in age exemption, also known as Romeo and Juliet law, is designed to prevent the prosecution of underage couples who engage in consensual sex when both participants are significantly close in age to each other, and one or both are below the age of consent.

Can a 16 year old date a 18 year old in Arkansas?

In Arkansas, it is illegal for an adult (someone 18 or older) to have sex with a minor (someone 14 or younger), even if the sex is consensual. Those who break the law have committed statutory rape.

What does the Romeo and Juliet law cover?

Romeo and Juliet laws are clauses built into statutory rape laws in some states. These laws address situations in which two individuals who are close in age, and one of whom is not yet of legal age, engage in consensual sexual relations.

Can you legally move out at 16 in Arkansas?

For instance, children as young as 16 (in most states) who are able prove they can live apart from their parents independently may seek to be emancipated from them .FindLaw Newsletters. Stay up-to-date with how the law affects your life.Age of Majority18 (§9-25-101)Eligibility for Emancipation16 (§9-26-104)3 more rows•12 Mar 2018

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