Question: How does divorce affect a man?

Divorce impacts mens health more than women. Men are more than twice as likely to suffer from post-divorce depression than women. Anxiety and hypertension are common in men after divorce, which can result in substance abuse and in the worst cases, suicide. Ten divorced men commit suicide in the U.S. each day.

Are men more affected by divorce?

In these domains, several studies have reported that men were more vulnerable to the adverse effects of divorce, including larger health declines and lower subjective well-being after separation (Shor et al.

Why do cheating husbands blame the wife?

Some husbands who cheat blame their wife for things like being overweight or not being “fun enough” or not being interested in his hobbies or whatever. If those are big enough problems for him in the marriage, he should tell her that! Its good advice for keeping a marriage together too.

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