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What is bond order of benzene?

Benzene has 6 molecular π orbitals. The bond order is half the difference between the number of bonding and antibonding electrons. This is the π bond order for 6 C−C bonds. For one C−Cπ bond, BO = 3/6=0.5. For a single C−C bond in benzene, the total BO = σ+π=1+0.5=1.5.

Is Be2 a stable molecule?

Be2 Is Stable And Diamagnetic, Bit Li2 Is Unstable.

What is the best bond order for benzene?

This is the π bond order for 6 C−C bonds. For one C−Cπ bond, BO = 3/6=0.5. For a single C−C bond in benzene, the total BO = σ+π=1+0.5=1.5 .Thank you.Related Questions & AnswersHow Do Hormones Affect ReproductionGive An Example Of An Ions Which Is Mono Atomic4 more rows

How do I calculate bond order?

If there are more than two atoms in the molecule, follow these steps to determine the bond order:Draw the Lewis structure.Count the total number of bonds.Count the number of bond groups between individual atoms.Divide the number of bonds between atoms by the total number of bond groups in the molecule.Aug 15, 2020

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