Question: What is a relationship fantasy?

A fantasy relationship is a one-sided relationship where one person develops feelings for the other person and obsesses over being in a romantic relationship with them. Also known as limerence, it includes constantly daydreaming and fantasizing about their object of attraction.

What is the meaning of fantasy Bond?

The fantasy bond exists when the reality of a deep, loving feeling is replaced by a more robotic form of going through the motions of an intimate relationship. Many factors including childhood experiences, the repeating of past patterns and a fear of being alone can drive people to a fantasy bond.

What is a Limerent relationship?

Limerence is a state of infatuation or obsession with another person that involves an all-consuming passion and intrusive thoughts. So, you fantasize that someone else could save you and crystallize those thoughts into a golden image of the one.

How do I stop wanting fantasy?

When you find yourself slipping into a fantasy, stop yourself. Distract yourself from the fantasy by starting a different task or focusing on a different object. To disrupt the fantasy, you can get up and stretch or do a simple exercise, like jumping jacks.

How long do limerence relationships last?

Nearly all limerent relationships end within 36 months; some much quicker. Ive witnessed them last only a few weeks. The range tends to be between 3 months and 36 months. It has to end as a biological necessity.

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