Question: What is the gay capital of America?

The US city with the highest gay population is New York with an estimated 272,493 gay residents. Los Angeles is second with 154,270, followed by Chicago with 114,449 and San Francisco with 94,234.

What is the nickname of Kansas?

The Sunflower State The Wheat State Kansas/Nicknames The state of Kansas has been known by a number of different nicknames, most popular is the Sunflower state. The native wild sunflower grows around the state was was named the official flower in 1903. Jayhawker is a common nickname, but historians disagree on its origin.

Is Kansas hot or cold?

The summers are hot and mostly clear in Garden City, while the winters can be quite cold, dry, and usually partly cloudy. Its windy here almost year-round, and temperatures can vary from as low as 20 degrees in the peak of winter to around 93 degrees in the summertime.

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