Question: Does arranged marriage still exist?

Its estimated over half of the marriages worldwide are arranged and that over 20 million of those unions exist in the world today, a surprising fact given that we almost never hear about arranged marriages unless were discussing their famously low divorce rates.

Where do arranged marriages still exist?

Today, the most prominent arranged marriage countries are:India.China.Pakistan.Japan.Israel.Afghanistan.Iran.Iraq.2 Aug 2019

In the United States, only ten states have legislation that directly address forced marriage. The U.S. State Department recognizes forced marriage as a marriage without the consent of at least one party. Duress, threat, physical abuse and death threats by family members constitute force and coercion.

Does India still have arranged marriages?

No exact statistics are available, but according to U.S. News & World Report, approximately 95 percent of marriages in India are arranged, and divorce is almost unheard of.

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