Question: Why do martial arts cost so much?

The costs of martial arts are so high for most schools due to the expenses of running a studio location. Rent, utilities, advertising, insurance, instructor salaries, equipment, professional development, etc. Sometimes these higher expenses translate into more income for the instructor, sometimes they do not.

How long do karate classes last?

Most classes tend to be 30 to 60 minutes in length. Class times for preschoolers may be just 30 minutes, while teens may train for over an hour. Other schools may have every class lasting 30 minutes. It just depends on the school.

Is 13 a good age to start karate?

Bruce Lee is widely regarded as one of the most skilled martial artists of his generation, and he “only” began learning at the age of 13. There is little evidence of kids benefiting from proper karate training before the age of six.

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+94 417 889 988
Mon - Fri, 9:00-19:00

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