Question: What is the perfect match for a Pisces woman?

So who is Pisces most compatible with, exactly? The star signs that make a Pisces best match are Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn.

Who should a Pisces woman marry?

Out of all the signs in the zodiac, Pisces will truly feel like theyve met their soulmate with Scorpio. “These two go deep and can escape not just into fantasy, but also into the innermost parts of their psyches together,” Semos says.

What is Pisces favorite food?

Pisces: Loves mild fish like cod as well as other water-based or watery foods like seaweed or melon. Grace Parisi steams delicate halibut with cabbage thats sautéed with ginger and leeks until soft and buttery.

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