Question: Do opposites attract Yes or no?

Over the years many studies have been conducted to see if people are in fact attracted to opposites. While many of these studies have found evidence that opposites do attract, they also found evidence that people are actually attracted to people who are more similar to them.

Is it true that opposites attract?

Although over 80% of people believe opposites attract, its not necessarily true. In fact, its not opposites that draw us to our romantic partners but certain personality traits, similarities, and even biological cues.

Do opposites work in a relationship?

Opposites Attract And in fact, its very true when it comes to love relationships. Through our research, we have noted that people are usually attracted to their opposite on the Extraversion/Introversion and Judging/Perceiving scales.

Is it bad to date someone with the same personality as you?

There are pros and cons to dating someone with the same personality as you. Dating someone very similar to you can definitely promote better understanding at times, especially in the beginning, or “adjustment period” of a new relationship, as another study found.

Is it better to marry someone like you?

This recent study examined married couples to find out if opposites fare well in marriage, or if picking a partner more like yourself is the better way to go. According to the study, couples who shared similar values were happier in their marriages.

What personality types should marry?

Here are a few of the Key Personality Types That Work Well TogetherISTJ + ESTP. ISTJ personalities are ultra-organized problem-solvers who thrive in fact-based work. INTP + INTJ. Both INTP and INTJ delight in highly conceptual work. ENFP + INFJ. ENTJ + ISTP. ISFP + ESFP. ENTP + ENFJ. ISFJ + INFP. ESFJ + ESTJ.Oct 11, 2017

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