Question: How far is Greenville SC from the beach?

What is the closest beach to Greenville SC?

Plan your Next Day Trip to the Beach3:15 hour drive from Greenville, SC. Often referred to as the “Edge of America”, Folly Beach is the closest beach to downtown Charleston, allowing you to split your time at the beach and downtown.More items •Jun 9, 2020

Is Myrtle Beach near Greenville SC?

Myrtle Beach Area Beaches To Visit The Myrtle Beach area is approximately 4 hours from Greenville.

Is Greenville South Carolina worth visiting?

With a walkable downtown area and even waterfalls downtown, Greenville is picturesque as well as a great city to explore. It is easy to see why Forbes named it one of Americas Best Downtowns. Within a few blocks, visitors will find hotels, restaurants, shops, and parks.

How far is Myrtle Beach from GSP?

250 miles Yes, the driving distance between Greenville/Spartanburg Airport (GSP) to Myrtle Beach is 250 miles. It takes approximately 4h 37m to drive from Greenville/Spartanburg Airport (GSP) to Myrtle Beach.

Is Greenville SC a safe place to live?

Greenville is considered one of the safest cities in South Carolina, though its crime rate is slightly higher than the state average. Crime in Greenville is still lower than the United States average.

What is the average cost of living in Greenville SC?

Greenville cost of living is 89.8COST OF LIVINGGreenvilleSouth CarolinaGrocery99.795.8Health101.4102.3Housing81.173.6Median Home Cost$234,600$223,4004 more rows

Which is better Hilton Head or Myrtle Beach?

In short, Hilton Head is a much more upscale place than Myrtle Beach. It doesnt have the in your face commercialism that you would find in places like Daytona and Cocoa Beach. Both have their pros and cons. If you have teenagers, they will enjoy Myrtle Beach more.

How far is Greenville from the mountains?

The distance between Greenville and Great Smoky Mountains National Park is 82 miles.

Why is Greenville SC so popular?

Greenville, SC is an up and coming city. As the citys medium-sized economy continues to grow, it continues to bring a variety of industries to the area. Its low tax rate and excellent workforce attracted Fortune 500 companies such as 3M, Lockheed, and GE to establish offices in the city.

Is there anything to do in Greenville SC?

With many trail entrances across Greenville you can hop on and off with ease. Favorite stops along the trail include Cleveland Park, Cancer Survivors Park, Falls Park on the Reedy, RiverPlace, Furman Universitys Swan Lake, downtown Travelers Rest, and more.

Is Hilton Head boring?

Hilton Head Island is a popular vacation spot in South Carolina. From shopping to eating to outdoor recreation options, a vacation on Hilton Head will be nothing but boring.

Why is Hilton Head so popular?

Hilton Head Island is justifiably famous for its incredible beaches and its world-class golf courses. Its regularly voted one of the best vacation destinations in the world.

Is Greenville a good place to live?

Theres the time that it made the list of Best Places to Live in 2019, and the times it was celebrated as a “best city” by travel magazines Conde Nast and National Geographic. And there is the other time that it was listed as one of the best places to live in the US, and the time that PBS featured Greenville.

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