A person who is stringing you along will usually has an agenda and may even want something from you, Suis says. On the other hand, a person who just wants to take things slow will take your feelings into consideration and contribute to the relationship in ways that they can.
How do you tell if a man is stringing you along?
Hes genuinely looking forward to seeing whats in store for the two of you, and he isnt afraid to admit it. The guy whos stringing you along will move onto the next subject whenever anything about the future comes up. Hes a master at dodging the bullet, and you can never count on definite plans with him.
What does take it slow mean to a guy?
Not every guy is the same, but, typically, when he says he wants to take it slow, it “indicates a desire for the pace in which intimacy, connection, feelings, and commitments grow in a relationship to be one that feels comfortable, according to Thomas Edwards Jr., founder of The Professional Wingman.
What to say to a man who is stringing you along?
Be specific; for example, you might say, I feel like you only spend time with me when its convenient for you and you always make me pick up the tab when we go out. Let him know that you feel like hes stringing you along; if he made promises he had no intentions of keeping, bring that up as well.
How do you deal with someone who is stringing you along?
If you recognize you are being strung along and want to try and salvage the relationship, sit down with the person and have an open, honest, direct and respectful conversation. Tell them how you are feeling and see if they listen and are willing to reciprocate, to work on the relationship.