To help make you a better applicant, credit repair companies often promise to improve your credit — in return for a fee. These companies typically offer to review your credit reports and address any negative items that they can with the credit bureaus on your behalf.
Are credit repair companies effective?
Legitimate credit repair companies can help you remove inaccurate information from your credit report, which may be damaging your credit score. However, they cant do anything for you that you couldnt do on your own—and for free.
How does the credit repair process work?
Credit repair is when a third party, often called a credit repair organization or credit services organization, attempts to get information removed from your credit reports in exchange for payment. These companies are for-profit and their services are marketed as being able to help people improve their credit.
Can you pay someone to repair your credit?
While it may seem like a good idea to pay someone to fix your credit reports, there is nothing a credit repair company can do for you that you cant do yourself for free.