Question: Is stratigraphy a dating technique?

Stratigraphy is the oldest of the relative dating methods that archaeologists use to date things. Stratigraphy is based on the law of superposition--like a layer cake, the lowest layers must have been formed first.

Is stratigraphy and absolute dating technique?

Relative dating methods determine whether one sample is older or younger than another. The main relative dating method is stratigraphy. Absolute dating is the term used to describe any dating technique that tells how old a specimen is in years.

What are stratigraphic relationships?

Stratigraphic relationships are the relationships created between contexts in time, representing the chronological order in which they were created. One example would be a ditch and the back-fill of said ditch.

What is the stratigraphic method?

Stratigraphy is the study of layered materials (strata) that were deposited over time. By digging from the top downward, the archaeologist can trace the buildings and objects on a site back through time using techniques of typology (i.e., the study of how types change in time).

What is biostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy?

Explore lithostratigraphy, which studies rock order; biostratigraphy, which looks at fossils; and chronostratigraphy, which uses absolute and relative dating methods.

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