Question: Is there an app for farmers only?

Farmers Dating Only - FarmersD 17+ FarmersD is the best dating app for farmers only to find love and friends. FarmersD is the Dating App only for single farmers, country singles, rural singles, cowboys, cowgirls, ranchers, horse lovers, rural singles and country folk to find real love and lasting relationships.

Does farmer only have an app?

FarmersD - Free Farmers Dating Site & App for Farmers Only. FARMERSD is the Dating App for farmers only, which helps country singles, rural singles, cowboys, cowgirls, ranchers, horse lovers and country folk to find real love and relationships.

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Kilbourn- Heiniger street no. 27, 89231 Papeete, French Polynesia

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Tyjah Lebre
+94 417 889 988
Mon - Fri, 9:00-19:00

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