In North Dakota, the age of consent for sexual intercourse is 18 years old. This applies to both males and females, and to both heterosexual and homosexual conduct. Violating age of consent laws is considered statutory rape.
Can a 18 year old date a 16 year old in North Dakota?
In North Dakota, it is illegal for an adult (someone 18 or older) to have sex with a minor (someone younger than 18), even if the sex is consensual. Those who break the law have committed statutory rape.
What states have age of consent at 15?
Sexual Intercourse with MinorsStateAge of consentMinimum age of victimOhio1613Oklahoma1614Oregon1815Pennsylvania161348 more rows•Dec 14, 2004
In what states is the age of consent 16?
States where the age of consent is 16 (31): Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,