8-Figures represents eight digits and a 8-figure salary will fall between $10,000,000 – $99,999,999. People who are earning this amount of income are typically multi-millionaires and would be considered quite wealthy.
Making 7 figures means that annual income has 7 digits, which is a minimum of $1,000,000, and it goes up to $9,999,999.
The simplest method to understand what 6 figures means is to know the word figure means a digit in a number. For example, 2 figures would represent a two-digit number (like 10-99), 3 figures would mean a three-digit number, and so on.
The 5 Most Common Seven Figure Jobs With a DegreeEnterprise Sales Account Executive (Earning potential: $1 million to $5 million+) Investment Banking or Private Equity Managing Director (Earning potential: $1 million+) CEO or other C-Level Executive of a Large Company (Earning Potential: $1 million to $50 million+)More items •Sep 8, 2020