Cost of Living in Charlottesville, Virginia by Expense Category. Charlottesvilles housing expenses are 9% higher than the national average and the utility prices are 5% lower than the national average. Charlottesville has grocery prices that are 6% higher than the national average.
Is it safe to live in Charlottesville Virginia?
Charlottesville is in the 34th percentile for safety, meaning 66% of cities are safer and 34% of cities are more dangerous. The rate of crime in Charlottesville is 34.14 per 1,000 residents during a standard year. People who live in Charlottesville generally consider the northwest part of the city to be the safest.
How much snow does Charlottesville have?
Climate AveragesCharlottesville, VirginiaUnited StatesSnowfall14.5 in.27.8 in.Precipitation107.8 days106.2 daysSunny219 days205 daysAvg. July High85.7°85.8°5 more rows
Where is the best place to retire in the United States?
Best States to RetireStateOverall rankOverall scoreGeorgia117.25Florida217.45Tennessee318.85Missouri42033 more rows•7 Jul 2021
How much do you need to live comfortably in Virginia?
We have rankings of Virginia places, county-by-county, based on affordability (see below). The group, for instance, estimates a family of two adults and two children in the City of Alexandria would need to earn a combined $105,239 per year — or $8,770 a month — to live comfortably.
Why should I move to Charlottesville VA?
Home to three presidents, Charlottesvilles mid-size college town infused with history. Its also a lively city ripe with vineyards and breweries, as well as shops, restaurants and parks. Outdoor lovers flock to hike and kayak in nearby Shenandoah Park in the picturesque Blue Ridge Mountains.
What are the 10 worst states to retire in?
The 11 worst U.S. states for retirement in 2021Washington. Affordability rank: 36. TIE: Idaho. Affordability rank: 22. TIE: Connecticut. Affordability rank: 49. Alabama. Affordability rank: 8. TIE: Arkansas. Affordability rank: 19. TIE: Maine. Affordability rank: 40. Alaska. Affordability rank: 25. Montana. Affordability rank: 33.More items •2 Aug 2021