Question: What does a blue tick mean on Tinder messages?

The feature allows members to self-authenticate through a series of real-time posed selfies, which are compared to existing profile photos using human-assisted AI technology. Verified profiles will display a blue checkmark so members can trust their authenticity.

Can you tell if someone read your message on Tinder?

Once you activate Read Receipts in a conversation, youll be able to see if (and when) that match has read your messages. Dont worry - matches wont know that youve turned on Read Receipts. Activating Read Receipts for a conversation with a match counts as one use.

Can u tell if someone has Tinder Gold?

Can You Tell if Someone Has Tinder Gold? Can people see if you have Tinder Gold? In general, no. However, if you use Tinder Gold to change your location or age, the way Tinder displays this might give people a clue that youre using a premium Tinder account.

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