Question: Can you date someone with hep B?

To put it simply, yes, a person living with hepatitis B can get married. In fact, a healthy relationship can be a source of love and support for those who may feel alone in their diagnosis. Transmission of hepatitis B can be prevented in your partner; its a vaccine preventable disease!

Is it safe to date someone with hepatitis B?

Anyone who lives with or is close to someone who has been diagnosed with chronic Hepatitis B should get tested. Hepatitis B can be a serious illness, and the virus can be spread from an infected person to other family and household members, caregivers, and sexual partners.

How long is a person with hepatitis B contagious to others?

Symptoms of hepatitis B may not appear for 3 months after exposure and can last for 2–12 weeks. However, you are still contagious, even without symptoms . The virus can live outside the body for up to seven days.

Should I tell my boyfriend I have hepatitis B?

Prevention. If you let your sex partners and household members know you have Hep B, they can get tested to see if they have it, and if not, they can get vaccinated so they dont get it. Whom should I tell? You do not have to tell everyone.

How can I protect my partner from hepatitis B?

The best way to prevent hepatitis B infection, is to get vaccinated. Given hepatitis B can be spread in many different ways, it is strongly advised that all household contacts and sexual partners should be vaccinated, as well as using condoms with sexual partners4.

Can a woman give a man Hep B?

Hepatitis B (HBV) is 50 to 100 times easier to transmit sexually than HIV ( the virus that causes AIDS). HBV has been found in vaginal secretions, saliva, and semen. Oral sex and especially anal sex, whether it occurs in a heterosexual or homosexual context, are possible ways of transmitting the virus.

Does sperm contain hepatitis B virus?

Viral load: Semen, vaginal fluids and blood all contain the hepatitis B virus (HBV), and the higher the viral load, the more infectious ones blood and body fluids are. However, having an undetectable viral load doesnt mean you wont infected someone during unsafe sex.

Can the body fight off hepatitis B?

In 90% of persons who become infected as adults with hepatitis B, the immune system successfully fights off the infection during the acute phase — the virus is cleared from the body within 6 months, the liver heals completely, and the person becomes immune to hepatitis B infection for the rest of their life.

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