Question: Where do tattoos look best on guys?

Where should a guy get his first tattoo?

It can be in the middle, across the back, between shoulder blades or across the shoulders. If you are working on the formal setup, you can easily hide the tat. It is masculine and sexy, and the back has enough space for you to fit your big tattoo ideas. Almost every man who loves tattoos will have one on the back.

Where should a man get a small tattoo?

Where should guys get small tattoos? The most common places to get a small tattoo are the wrist, forearm, ankle, foot, neck, face, rib, and hand.

Where should you put your first tattoo?

The Best Places on the Body To Get Your First TattooWrist. Compared to many other parts of the body, the wrist is not a bad spot for a first tattoo. Thigh. This is without a doubt one of the easiest places to get a tattoo. Shoulder. The shoulder isnt too bad for a first tattoo. Forearm. Calves. Bicep.10 Nov 2015

Where do tattoo hurt the least?

Thinking of a tattoo? Here are the most and least painful spots to get inkedTattoo pain will vary depending on your age, sex, and pain threshold.The most painful spots to get a tattoo are your ribs, spine, fingers, and shins.The least painful spots to get a tattoo are your forearms, stomach, and outer thighs.More items •21 Jul 2021

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