Question: What makes Fort Collins special?

Fort Collins produces 70 percent of Colorados craft beer and seven percent of the United States. Visit Anheuser-Busch to learn how Budweiser is made, see the Clydesdales, and dive into the history of one of the longest running brewing companies in the country.

Why Fort Collins is the best place to live?

Families with small children, creatives, outdoor enthusiasts and high-tech entrepreneurs all feel at home in Fort Collins, the largest city in northern Colorado. With Colorado State University in the middle of town, innovation and enthusiasm course throughout the city, which is also a hub for craft beer innovation.

What do people do in Fort Collins?

Biking, fishing, hiking, golfing, riding horses, canoeing and camping, you name it, Fort Collins has you covered when it comes to outdoor recreation. Fort Collins has big-city offerings with the amenities of a Colorado mountain town.

Why is it called Fort Collins Colorado?

Fort Collins was founded as a military fort in 1864 and referred to as Camp Collins. The post was given the name in honor of Lt. Col. William 0. Collins, the popular commander of Ohio Cavalry troops whose headquarters were at Fort Laramie.

Does Fort Collins get alot of snow?

The Colorado Climate Center in Fort Collins measured 6.4 inches of snow and 0.45 inches of moisture from the storm. That brings our snow total since Sept. 1 to 75 inches and 8.63 inches of moisture. The citys 30-year average annual snowfall for 1981-2010 is 55.8 inches.

Is Fort Collins CO expensive?

Fort Collins cost of living is 118.3COST OF LIVINGFort CollinsColoradoHousing168.6166.1Median Home Cost$487,800$488,600Utilities91.398.4Transportation87.4106.74 more rows

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