Question: Can Tinder bots be verified?

Dating app Tinder has come up with a new technique to prevent users from wasting their time on bots and fake profiles on its app. You need to pass a catfishing test to get your Tinder profile verified. All you need to do is click a selfie in real-time and match a pose shown by a model in a sample image.

Can bots get verified on Tinder?

The spam bots then link to a fake verification website that claims to offer background checks or some sort of dating protection. Some of the sites reference “date codes,” which are purportedly codes you can provide your date so they can confirm youre a verified Tinder user.

Is the Tinder verification real?

Like Bumble and other dating apps, Tinder has a verification process that lets other users know a particular profile is the real deal. Tinder verified profiles have a little blue badge next to the persons name.

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