How do I date stamp my photos on my phone?
To enable timestamp, go to Settings by tapping on the cog-shaped icon at the upper right corner. Tap on Camera settings and scroll down until you see the Stamp photos option. Open Camera further allows you to change the font color and size as per your convenience.
How do I put a date and time stamp on my photos?
Select “Install.” On the right side of the screen, the white camera icon lets you switch between your phones front and back cameras. To change the settings, use the “gear” icon in the lower-left corner of your screen. Toggle on “Date & Time Stamp.” Select your preferred date layout.
How do you put a date on a photo?
Click Adjust Photos. Drag and drop the photo to the right side and click Next. Select Insert Date. Specify the date Format, Color and Position and click OK.
How do I put a date stamp on my iPhone photos?
Run the Stamp Camera app on iPhone, tap the image icon at the bottom right corner to browse to your photo library and add a photo to the stamp app. Swipe left and right to change a different date & time stamp, then press the Download button to save it as a new photo with date & time stamp to your Camera Roll.
How do you find the timestamp on an iPhone photo?
Long press on the photo to pop up the action menu and choose Info from the menu list. See below screenshot. You will then open the detailed information about the selected image file, including file format, size, dimensions, camera, device, date & time, etc.
How do you date and time stamp photos on iPhone?
When you open the Stamp Camera app on iPhone, it will open your iPhone camera automatically. Swipe left and right to change a different date & time stamp, then press the shutter button to take a picture with the date and time on it.