Question: How does a pellet stove vent through a chimney?

Installing a pellet stove pipe in an existing chimney requires a chimney liner. This is a metal pipe that attaches to the pellet stove at one end โ€” typically with a pellet stove pipe chimney adapter โ€” and extends all the way through the chimney and above the roof at a suitable clearance.

Whats the best way to vent a pellet stove?

Pellet stoves can be vented vertically through the roof or horizontally through a side wall. Its always a good idea to get some vertical rise with the L-vent pipe, before venting horizontally through a side wall.

Where does a pellet stove vent?

Pellet Stoves โ€“ most are vented horizontally directly through the wall to the outdoors, similar to direct vent gas fireplaces. Pellet stove venting consists of a pressurized hybrid system with a stainless steel inner wall and gaskets that seal tightly.

Does a chimney need to be lined for a pellet stove?

Pellet stoves do not necessarily need a chimney, but will need a form of flue to be installed to safely remove waste air from a home. A pellet stove can either be installed within an open fireplace and utilize an existing chimney with a flue liner, or can be vented out an external wall of a home.

How does pellet stove need chimney?

Venting: Unlike wood stoves, pellet stoves do not need a chimney and can be vented out through a side wall. This allows for more flexibility on the installation and also reduces the overall installation costs. Many homeowners are able to install pellet stoves themselves as well.

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