Question: Is French Canadian the same as French?

The two main differences between Metropolitan French and Canadian French are pronunciation and vocabulary. French in Canada differs from French in France because of its history and geographic location. Think of French Canadians as French people who have been in North America for a few hundred years.

Can French understand Canadian French?

Generally speaking, I have found the French can definitely understand the French-Canadian/Quebecois accent. I parallel this question to the US/Canadian English accent vs the British English accent the French will immediately be able to tell youre from out of town.

Whats the difference between Canadian and French Canadian?

Canada has two official languages, but for the Quebecois French is their first language. And because language is one of the biggest determiners of culture, there is a cultural difference between French Canada and English Canada. The same is true of French Canada – people from Quebec sound different from area to area.

Can French understand Québécois?

Although it can be seen to have a few influences from neighbouring foreign languages, such influences are subtle, even barely noticeable, in spoken Metropolitan French. European French speakers, for their part, will probably understand formal spoken Québécois, but may get confused with informal spoken Québécois.

How do you say Canadian in French?

0:001:00How to say Canadian in French? - YouTubeYouTube

Do Quebecois consider themselves French?

Many Quebecers, both English and French-speaking, no longer consider themselves Quebecers first. Other studies which included the term French Canadian indicated that between 67 and 69 percent of francophones considered themselves Quebecois first.

Why is Canadian French different?

The two main differences between Metropolitan French and Canadian French are pronunciation and vocabulary. French in Canada differs from French in France because of its history and geographic location. This might sound odd to someone from Metropolitan France, who would be used to hearing “Bienvenue” as a greeting.

How do you say feminine and Canadian in French?

The French translation for “canadian (feminine)” is canadienne.

Why is Canada French English?

Canadas two colonizing peoples are the French and the British. They controlled land and built colonies alongside Indigenous peoples, who had been living there for millennia. They had two different languages and cultures. The French spoke French, practiced Catholicism, and had their own legal system (civil law).

How do you reply to Merci?

The usual answer to “merci” in French is “de rien” which has about the same meaning as “no problem” and translates to “its nothing”.

Is Canada feminine in French?

The French translation for “canadian (feminine)” is canadienne.

What are the French numbers?

Numbers 1-10 in French un. deux. trois. quatre. cinq. six. sept. huit.More items •Aug 13, 2020

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