Question: How do I delete my HyeSingles account?

How to delete my HyeSingles account?

You may terminate your membership and/or subscription at any time, for any reason, by following the instructions designated on the Website or by sending World Singles email notice of termination to World Singles,, including the words “Cancel Service” in the subject line of said email.

Is HyeSingles free?

Making Contact on HyeSingles This feature is free, and it automatically collates the profiles of all the members you “liked.” This will come in handy in moments when you forgot a members user name, but you want to get in touch with them.

How do you delete my Indian singles account?

Go to the Account Details page of your profile, click the Delete My Profile link at the bottom of the page.

What is the best Armenian dating site?

The first and the best dating app for Armenians around the world. armroom is an Armenian dating app that aims at connecting Armenian singles of all backgrounds from around the world.

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