Question: How does blind pick matchmaking work?

Blind Pick Players simultaneously select a champion with which to play, and opponents cannot see which champions the other has picked until the game has started.

Why do people play blind pick lol?

I usually play it because you get faster into the game it self. Because there are no players in Dominion draft pick. For me playing blind pick is to play for fun / to troll a bit.

What is a blind pick in LoL?

Blind Pick Players simultaneously select a champion with which to play, and opponents cannot see which champions the other has picked until the game has started.

What is LoL blind pick?

Blind Pick Players simultaneously select a champion with which to play, and opponents cannot see which champions the other has picked until the game has started.

Can you swap in blind pick?

Just as the title says, sometimes we instalock without knowing someone called the lane first.

What is a blind pick in lol?

Blind Pick Players simultaneously select a champion with which to play, and opponents cannot see which champions the other has picked until the game has started.

Whats the difference between draft and blind pick?

Blind pick is pretty much exactly like quick play. Draft pick is where every player picks their character in a specific order, is assigned a specific role (top/jungle/adc whatever) and you can ban champions. Also, in draft pick, an opposing player cannot choose the same character you picked.

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