Question: How do you make a shy guy comfortable?

Shy guys are usually comfortable with silent pauses from time to time. Instead of talking whenever one comes up, try holding his hand or smiling at him instead. If you cant resist the urge to fill the silence, use this time to ask him simple questions that will help him open up about himself.

How do you make a shy guy feel comfortable?

If you notice something about the shy guy or something he is doing that you really like, give him a specific and sincere compliment. This should help him feel better about himself and also get communication going between you two, which will make talking to you a little easier for him.

How do you deal with a shy guy?

20 Tips For Dating A Shy GuyDo not make his shyness a topic. Start conversations with topics that interest him. Avoid asking a closed-ended question. Choose the ideal way to communicate. Take it slow. Wait for him to ask you out for a date. Avoid being the icebreaker. Appreciate him.More items •Aug 25, 2021

Is being extremely shy a disorder?

Many suffer from more than just shyness, experts say. They have a condition called social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia. The condition has been officially recognized as a psychiatric disorder since 1980.

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