Question: Does Grindr use your email?

Does my email show up on Grindr?

Grindr is sharing this information about you: Email addresses. Grindr Profile ID. What you search for in the app. Activites you take while logged on.

Do Grindr messages delete?

Video messages are no longer accessible via the Grindr App on a recipients device after the second time the video message is viewed by the recipient or after 14 days, whichever occurs first. Deleted within seven (7) days after account closure/deletion unless account is banned by Grindr.

Can you have 2 Grindr profiles?

As it stands, there is no multi-account support on Grindr. That isnt to say that the app bans the use of multiple accounts, only that the app discourages it. If you have a second email, you can use the Grindr login and sign-up screen to create a second account on the app.

How do I get rid of my Grindr ban?

If Grindr is banned in your country, meeting up with other LGBTQ+ people can be difficult and unsafe .To stay safe, use a screen name and create a new email address just for your Grindr profile.Download a VPN. Connect to a server in your country. Download the Grindr app. Create your account. Enjoy Grindr!

Does Grindr delete all data?

Deidentified images are expunged 120 days from last send date by a user. Video messages are no longer accessible via the Grindr App on a recipients device after the second time the video message is viewed by the recipient or after 14 days, whichever occurs first.

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