Stratigraphy is the oldest of the relative dating methods that archaeologists use to date things. Stratigraphy is based on the law of superposition--like a layer cake, the lowest layers must have been formed first.
What is stratigraphic method?
Stratigraphy is the study of layered materials (strata) that were deposited over time. By digging from the top downward, the archaeologist can trace the buildings and objects on a site back through time using techniques of typology (i.e., the study of how types change in time).
How is stratigraphy used?
Stratigraphy, scientific discipline concerned with the description of rock successions and their interpretation in terms of a general time scale. It provides a basis for historical geology, and its principles and methods have found application in such fields as petroleum geology and archaeology.
How do archaeologist know how old something is?
Archaeologists use that assumption, called the law of superposition, to help determine a relative chronology for the site itself. Then, they use contextual clues and absolute dating techniques to help point to the age of the artifacts found in each layer.
What are stratigraphic layers?
Stratigraphy is they classification of different layers or layering of sedimentary deposits, and in sedimentary or layered volcanic rocks. This field is important to understanding the geological history and forms the basis for classification of rocks into distinct units that can be easily mapped.
What is a stratigraphic relationship?
Stratigraphic relationships are the relationships created between contexts in time, representing the chronological order in which they were created. One example would be a ditch and the back-fill of said ditch.
What is the difference between lithology and stratigraphy?
See the discussion of Lithology Types Tables for more details .How Stratigraphy is Modeled.LithologyStratigraphyIs often the first step in entering borehole rock typesIs often the second step in entering borehole rock types.Can contain repeated sequences (sand, clay, sand, clay)Cannot contain repeated sequences.7 more rows